Browsing: Best Games

In the vast universe of gaming, finding the right game can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s where our ‘Best Games’ category comes to the rescue. Curated by a team of seasoned gamers who have navigated the pixelated terrains, epic storylines, and adrenaline-pumping challenges, this section spotlights the crème de la crème of the gaming world. Whether you’re into fast-paced shooters, intricate puzzles, sprawling RPGs, or narrative-driven indies, our expert recommendations ensure you experience only the best. Skip the guesswork and dive straight into masterpieces that resonate, thrill, and leave an indelible mark.

When you want to add a touch of grit, class and History to your game where do you go? The answer is London. There’s something about London that keeps gamers captivated, and coming back for more. Whereas gamers will groan about games being set in New York from time to time, rarely will you hear any complaints about London. The variety of the London experience has always resonated firmly with gamers around the world. From the majesty of Big Ben all the way to the grit of the underground stations, London offers a lot for gamers to sink their teeth…

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With Google’s entry into the console gaming (well, sort of) ring now firmly established, it’s time to start speculating. There’s plenty we already know about Google Stadia – what games will launch for it, what its technical capabilities are, when it will launch (November, if you’re interested) – but we don’t know what the future looks like. Given the power and reach of Stadia, it’s not unreasonable to want games that push its technical limitations and show us what it can really do. Here are some of the games we want to see on Google Stadia. Dark Souls Trilogy As…

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With 2019 halfway over, there have been many hits and misses in the video game market. From dazzlers like Resident Evil 2 to the confusing yet somewhat enjoyable mobile game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, gamers have experienced a lot. And that’s just the first half of 2019. There’s a bunch more content coming out in the latter half. Here are the games coming out in 2019 to look forward to. These games on this list are ones with confirmed release dates, so you won’t be finding Luigi’s Mansion 3 or Shantae 5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses July 26 Switch Nintendo…

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It’s Summertime! The sun’s out and the temperatures are creeping up. All this sunshine is lovely, but it sure does make us miss cosying up by a log fire and watching the snow fall outside the window. If you’re missing the magical Winter weather too then boy do we have a few game recommendations for you. Here are 10 games with the most dramatic snowfalls to help you keep cool in the Summer heat! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The province of Skyrim is no stranger to a good few feet of snowfall, especially atop all those mountains. There are…

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With E3 having come to a close for yet another year, we’ve taken a look back at some of the best titles that were shown off at this year’s expo. These are the titles we think look the most interesting, the most fun, and that stood out among the rest of the announcements! In no particular order, here are our top ten games shown off at E3 2019. Roller Champions Roller Derby meets Rocket League in this colourful sports title from Ubisoft! With simple gameplay and stylish mechanics, Roller Champions looks set to take the E-Sports scene by storm. The…

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Humans like games, and there’s no denying that. The thrill that comes with pulling off the ultimate game-changing move that crushes your opponent was as fun for the ancient Egyptians as it is for us modern folks. And even though back in 3500 BCE your daily existence was a matter of survival, you always managed to find the time to stick it up to your fellow papyrus merchant by showing off your Senet skills. We’ve come far since then, but nothing’s changed. The sadistic, superior pleasure in hitting your opponent’s carrier on your first try in Battleship or stunning them…

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2019 is shaping up to be a pretty darn good year for gaming. We’ve had triumphs like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and Devil May Cry 5 already, and it’s not hard to feel like the best is yet to come. Here are the 15 most exciting games arriving in 2019. Rage 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One – May 2019) The original Rage may have been little more than a showcase for id Software’s id Tech 5 engine, but damned if it doesn’t provide some of the most satisfying shooting action around. The sequel promises more of the same high-octane action…

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Anyone who even has a remote interest in games knows that it can get mighty expensive rather quickly. The gaming platforms (PC, consoles and Handhelds) aside, there will always be a need to get a new game. Whether it’s purchasing that big hit everyone seems to be talking about or simply buying an all new world to play in, the unrelenting allure of a shiny new bauble will always be there. Sure, it may be one of the reasons gaming has been so successful; having tons of options to choose from never gets old. Though despite being a devout gamer,…

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The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has been on a pretty crazy journey over the years. From the Blue Blur’s origins on the Sega Genesis (remember blast processing?) to his current status as a strange counter-cultural icon, Sonic has had some good times and some not-so-good times. We’re here to remember the best of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, so here are 10 of his best. Sonic Colors (Nintendo Wii – 2010) When Sonic Colors was first released, Sonic was in a bit of a tight spot. The less-than-stellar reception for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and only slightly better-received Sonic Unleashed…

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It’s been said that the point at which humanity reached a state of civilisation was the point when we stopped simply surviving and started living. Survival is, of course, still necessary; we still eat, sleep, drink and do all the things we need to in order to keep living. It’s fair to say, though, that for the vast majority of us survival is no longer a need that isn’t constantly catered for. The same can’t be said for the protagonists of these games. In the best survival games going, your continued existence is constantly under threat not just by monsters…

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It’s that time of year again! The weather is colder, days are getting shorter, the spooky season is behind us and the festive season has well and truly begun. It’s the perfect time to stay indoors and play the heck out of some video games. Here are 11 of the cosiest games to stay at home and curl up with, whether alone or with friends! Night in the woods Night in the Woods has an excellent Autumnal aesthetic which is perfect for a day when the weather isn’t quite as agreeable outside your window. First things first, Night in the…

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Strategy is the genre of choice for the thinking gamer. Far from blasting demons on your last scrap of health, if you’re a strategy gamer you relish the thought of executing a carefully-planned gambit and watching as all the pieces fall expertly into place. No matter what your chosen flavour of strategy might be, there’s plenty to tempt you over the coming months. We’ve gathered together 10 of the most promising strategy games coming in 2019. Wargroove (Q1 2019) Combining a beautiful pixel aesthetic with deep, compelling strategy mechanics, Wargroove will be a familiar sight to anyone who’s a fan…

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For many people, the act of running a city, a country or a political organisation is a constant headache. Being the mayor of London, or the President of the United States, is no doubt an often thankless job, with many unpaid late nights and the constant threat of the population becoming dissatisfied. Put simply, there are very few of us who would actually want to be in this position, however much we might say we do. That won’t stop us from loving tycoon games, though. If you’re unfamiliar with the genre, tycoon games task players with the day-to-day management and…

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Fun fact: the first real-time strategy (RTS) game is argued by many to be 1989’s Herzog Zwei, and it’s a console game. Anyone who says that RTS games belong entirely on PC can and should be swayed by this fact, because Herzog Zwei is the progenitor of what we know as real-time strategy today. Since then, seminal titles like Warcraft, Starcraft and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War have further refined the formula, and today the genre is hale and hearty. With RTS games doing a roaring trade and showing no signs of slowing any time soon, we thought now was…

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There was a time when video games were considered exclusively a male pastime. Most marketing campaigns for games in the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s were clearly aimed at men and boys; their aggressive language, fast-paced editing and confrontational nature suggested a focus on masculinity. Nowadays, thankfully, the gaming landscape is a bit more equal, and we have games which are suitable not only for both sexes, but for people of all persuasions and tastes. That said, there’s still a lot of work to be done. Girls are still massively underrepresented in the video game sphere; though the groundwork is being…

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Japan has a long and storied history in the video game industry. Although the first video games didn’t come from Japan (Tennis for Two was designed and built in New York), it was Japanese companies who refined and perfected the video game art form throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Classic consoles like the NES, Sega Genesis and PlayStation are all Japanese creations, as are many video game household names like Mario, Sonic and Link. That said, the Japanese have never been huge on PC gaming, which has traditionally been a Western discipline. Real-time strategy games, first-person shooters and MMORPGs have…

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1. The Last of Us Part II After the emotional rollercoaster that was the first instalment of The Last of Us, the highly anticipated second part of the story seems to follow Ellie on a revenge-a-thon through the post-apocalyptic, shroom-ridden United States. We’re not sure yet who she’s avenging but with those graphics and those freaky mushroom people, it could be a dropped ice cream sandwich and I’d still be on the edge of my seat. You already know what to expect here from Naughty Dog; a killer narrative, gruelling choices, and rich characters. We can’t wait to lose ourselves…

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Fishing games are certainly an unusual genre. Someone who isn’t acquainted with video games at all, or even someone who simply doesn’t tend to like fishing games, would look at them and simply think they were very, very boring. This would be missing the point entirely, however. If you want adrenalized, explosion-heavy action in your games, there are an untold number of options out there for you. Fishing games represent something different. Their often sedate pace can relax you, and sometimes provide an almost meditative experience. The lengthy buildup, courtesy of that slow pace, can result in enormously satisfying payoffs…

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Tycoon games are one of the oldest genres in gaming. If you’re anything like us (and are of a certain age or older), some of your earliest and fondest memories of gaming will have come from tycoon games; they were very much a gateway into gaming, throughout the 90s and early 2000s. We led amusement parks to utter disaster in Theme Park World and RollerCoaster Tycoon. Scores of poor patients died on our watch in Theme Hospital. Hordes of innocent creatures were neglected in Zoo Tycoon. But you know what… we had fun trying (and failing) to run these complex…

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There are very few series which can be described as gaming royalty, which inarguably changed the landscape of video games for everybody. The Halo series undoubtedly falls into that category. Part of that comes down to simple longevity. The first game in the series came out all the way back in 2001, and the most recent was released in 2017; sixteen years of smash hits is pretty impressive, however you look at it! Large parts of their success also come from their creativity and the quality of their execution, both of which we’ll look at in more detail later in…

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It’s no secret that Sega’s front-hog hasn’t had much success in recent years. After releases like the glitch infested Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, the button mashing marathon that is Sonic and the Black Knight, and the slightly janky Sonic Unleashed, it’s easy to see how our beloved hedgehog has fallen out of favour, becoming the punchline of many a joke within the gaming community. But hope is not lost! The recent release of Sonic Mania has taken us right back to the franchise’s retro roots and reminded us all why we fell in love with Sonic in the first place. In celebration of what…

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The popular computer gaming series Command & Conquer has been around for quite sometime. It has developed a pretty strong and faithful fan-base that love the classic gameplay, and each installment brings something new and unique to the table. Due to how long this series has been running, it’s hard to narrow it down to the absolute best six, but, after lots of research through several gaming review sites, we’ve decided on the top six Command & Conquer games. 6) Command & Conquer: Renegade This installment of the Command & Conquer series’ placement on this list was debated strongly. Overall,…

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The phrase ‘gaming royalty’ might sound overly grandiose, but if this category of games does exist, then the Wolfenstein series certainly belongs in it. The first Wolfenstein game was released in 1981, and there’s a new one – Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – scheduled for release later in 2017. That means the series has been running for a frankly ludicrous 36 years! In fact, it’s the second longest-running story-based game franchise in existence, with the Mario series being just a few months older. All of the Wolfenstein games have been action-based, and they’ve all revolved around fictional plots involving…

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Real Time Strategy, more frequently referred to as RTS, games are titles where the player’s job is to build, gather and develop their resources in a simulation which can take place in various settings. However, the big bonus is that these settings can be both realistic or fantasy, take place anywhere and even go back in time! This provides gamers with a diverse range of play, and there’s a big demand for RTS games. With so many excellent titles out there in this niche it’s hard to narrow the choice down to just a few, but there are some which…

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When it comes to cities, there’s nowhere more iconic than New York. As one of the most famous cities in the world, there’s always been an air of cinematic brilliance about the city that’s made it the centerpiece of countless gaming experiences. From the towering empire state building to the silent patriotism of the Statue of Liberty, New York is emblematic of the western world. The winding streets and the vast central park have made it an ideal location for open world games like GTA IV. Indeed, there’s no city that characterizes western civilization and development quite like New York.…

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High quality weather effects are the icing on the cake when it comes to a compelling experience. For years’ weather has been integral to gameplay, as monsters come out at nightfall, in harsh rains and misty landscapes! All the way back to N64’s Zelda Ocarina of Time, you knew you were in trouble if you were stuck in the fields at night. Below we take a look at 5 games with amazing weather effects that will draw you in to the gaming experience. Dying Light  One of the best games in recent memory to cultivate a convincing weather cycle was…

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RPG stands for role-playing game, a popular genre that has been around since the birth of the console. You play the role of one or more characters, and usually advance through a narrative, developing skills and leveling up as you progress. RPGs are still going strong, and many are released on popular consoles today, but what makes the genre so special for fans is that the older classics are still just as playable as they were 20 years ago. People sell video games online so you can usually find some great stuff from years ago. RPGs never relied on trends…

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Ninjas made themselves truly known many centuries after their relevance in the form of ninja-themed computer games. The combination of amazing prowess, a rich culture and an almost mystical presence of the ninja lends itself really well to gaming. The games listed excel in some areas while providing an all-around solid fighting experience. Ninja Gaiden 3 Team Ninja divorced itself from the former difficulties of the series to delve fully into the ninja’s psyche, while distilling from the combat scenes ruthless displays. As the enemies weaken and grow desperate under your attacks, Ryu has a number of ways to finish…

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With recent confirmation that production of the Wii U is to stop and the fact that everyone’s waiting for the Nintendo Switch to launch, now seems like a good time to take stock on the Wii U’s life. Sure, it didn’t set the world alight in terms of sales or in the number of games released on the platform, but I’ll be damned if I hear people say it ‘didn’t have any games’. Here is my list of 10 (and a bit) games that were essential to Wii U owners. Maybe now that the Wii U is relegated to the…

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Last week it was Eurogamer’s flagship expo, EGX, taking place in Birmingham’s NEC Arena. I think Arena is an understatement as it’s more like the size of a small town. A small town full of expensive drink, pricey food and costly everything else. Still, I wasn’t there just to go into my overdraft, I was there to see videogames. Which is exactly what I did. I saw many videogames. In fact, I saw too many videogames to list, which is why I’ve decided to only talk about my favourite 10. Luckily, 10 games is the perfect number for a list,…

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