Author: GamerBolt Team

Crafted by the collective wisdom of the GamerBolt team, this article is the fruit of shared knowledge from various gaming aficionados and industry insiders. Each piece, enriched by multiple perspectives, aims to capture the essence of gaming culture.

Reviewing tennis games can be pretty tough since there is not much that has changed during the past couple of years or so. However, Virtua Tennis 4 has come up with some interesting developments. Let us see what these are. Virtua Tennis is more of an arcade style game when compared to another tennis game like the Top Spin, which is more of a traditional variety. Virtua Tennis 4 remains true to the earlier versions. It is more focused on delivering exciting tennis action than talking about statistics and other features. Virtua Tennis 4 is a very good game to…

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Are you tired of the mindless drama that run of the mill video games present to you? If you are then you should try your hand at Portal 2. Portal 2 is one of the few games that gives the player a larger than life experience of video gaming. The setting of the game is simply amazing; no wonder the game is already a huge hit in the video game market. The initial version of the game was so captivating that at one point in it became the most popular game in the video gaming circuit. In Portal 2 there…

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Today, there is a wide variety of third person shooters to choose from. These video game formats range from the really good ones to the absolutely dire ones. Currently, the third person shooter world is taken over by the Gears of War franchise. SOCOM: Special Forces is a new challenger to enter the fray. SOCOM has been around for quite sometime now, and the Special Forces is the fourth in the series. These games have been generally good and consistent. According to the developers, the fourth edition offers an all new experience by using a Play Station Move as a…

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Does Rango the Video Game do the Movie Justice? Despite the fact that Rango the Video Game has a simplicity geared more toward children and it can be cleared in about five hours, it’s still one certainly worth playing. The game already had a lot to live up to before it was even released when gamers were told that Johnny Depp would still be the voice of Rango like in the movie and that Behavior Interactive worked closely with Industrial Light and Magic from the film throughout the game’s creation. Although it is often hard to measure up to high…

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Black Ops for PC / XBOX 360 / PS3 had some pretty big shoes to fill from the beginning.  When it was announced in April of 2010 that this seventh installment in the series would be staged in the Cold War, expectations were elevated to nearly unreachable heights early on.  Within 24 hours of the game going on sale, over seven million copies were sold.  The verdict?  It’s safe to say that Activision over-delivered and exceeded even the most unrealistic dreams of what this first-person shooter game should offer but still, gamers…

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Is Gaming Taking One Giant Step Back With Mario Sports Mix? It seems as though Square Enix took a lot of past mistakes into consideration during the creation of Mario Sports Mix. If you played the disaster back in 2006 where Mario tried his luck in basketball, you will appreciate that there are a few new sports added to this game to make it at least playable. Storyline Is the gamed called Mario Sports Mix or a Mixed Bag of Mario Sports? Either way, don’t look for a storyline or any type of rhyme or reason. Don’t even look for…

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Is Bulletstorm Just Another Foul-Mouthed Shooter Game? While Bulletstormmay be deemed obscene and even vulgar in nature, it’s also a welcome breath of fresh air. If you are looking for a unique shooting game that can add humor while allowing you to cause a little mayhem, this is it! Bulletstorm is intelligent, creative, exploding with personality and it offers fathoms of depth. What could be better than a game that allows you to kill in like 100 different ways and offers a spectacular narration? Storyline While you may assume this game is nothing more than F-bombs, middle fingers and a…

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Busy Scissors or Boring Scissors?  You Decide! Busy Scissors for Wii was compared to as the Halo of all hairstyling games, but is there really a worthy collection to compare it to?  Sure, the concept seems catchy and fun, who doesn’t want to be a hairstylist and gossip all day?  The problem is that there are so many flaws and a huge lack of excitement that makes it hard to play the game for more than a short period of time.  Interestingly, Busy Scissors on DS is actually less aggravating, if you can believe that.  While the game does follow…

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Why is the Population Addicted to Angry Birds? If you have a hot temper, Angry Birds should not be played near any windows that may tempt you to throw your phone out of.  This puzzle-type of video game, developed by Rovio Mobile seems to be the hottest application for iPhone, iPad and Android.  In fact, since its launch in December of 2009, there have been more than 50 million downloads of Angry Birds across all platforms.  That’s a whole lot of people using slingshots to launch birds at pigs! Why pigs you ask?  Well, at the time that the game…

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