Browsing: steam

Echtra Games, the developers behind the free-to-play Torchlight title named “Torchlight Frontiers”, have announced that they are completely overhauling their game and are renaming it “Torchlight III”. Along with this announcement, they also uploaded an announcement video showcasing some of the biggest changes that are coming to the game, with Max Schaefer (The creator of the Torchlight series) talking in the background and explaining how and why they made this decision. Here’s the video: Unlike Torchlight Frontiers, which was a free-to-play title, Torchlight III will not follow the same path and will transition into a premium model. Another big announcement…

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A “fresh breeze” in the battle royale genre With Scavengers Studios, a relatively new development team to the gaming industry, with a small number of members in it (eighteen members) releasing Darwin Project to the PlayStation 4, it’s a very good opportunity to have a talk about it, as it is a battle royale type of game but with an interesting twist in its concept. A new take on the battle royale concept First of all, this game has been released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One as a free-to-play title since April 24, 2018 and only just recently made it out of Steam’s Early Access and into the PlayStation 4 platform. This isn’t your standard and typical battle royale game, where you just loot everything in your way as fast as humanly possible like your name is Barry Allen (aka “The Flash”) and then shoot away all your ammunition into the enemy’s skulls, hoping that you and your squad will make it as the last squad standing. In Darwin…

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