A new developer called Embark Studios recently surprised the gaming community with a new title called The Finals. Before this game launched, gamers worldwide were aware of a new IP they were crafting called Arc Raiders. So, naturally, when everyone was waiting for its most recent update, The Finals suddenly came out of nowhere. Needless to say, it is winning players over with its fresh mechanics and light-hearted touch.

The Finals have the feel of Battlefield and Overwatch mixed. The environment is fully destructible and there’s also a quirkiness with the layout of the maps. When it comes to the premise, The Finals is a televised game show in which virtual opponents fight to the death over a cashout. As things currently stand, this is the only type of game type there is. Players will need to find money, either from crates or from defeated players, and haul it back to their vault to score points. New players will most likely be confused and even resort to old habits when starting. This game requires innovation, communication, and retaliation to win.
The Finals – Stay With Your Team

One of the most important strategies when winning a match in The Finals is sticking with your teammates. This may seem like a basic concept, but many players like to go “lone wolf” and try to win the match themselves. Your kill count ratio doesn’t matter in The Finals. What does matter is money. Reaching your 40,000 cashout limit will yield the most rewards. It is best to engage defensively instead of offensively. Find your money, put it in your vault, and defend it until the cash is deposited. Either camp or set up traps to prevent other players from stealing your loot. This may seem like a dirty tactic, but it can help win the round. Placing a gas mine on the vault, for example, works nicely for keeping the opposition at a distance.
Communication is paramount in The Finals. If voice chatting isn’t an option, then there is indeed a rather effective ping system available. If you see a vault spawning, be sure to ping it so your team knows where you are going. Otherwise, everyone will be guessing on where to go, which will cause teammates to get separated and ultimately fragged. This also holds true for spotting enemies. The moment you see movement from a distance, let your team know so they will be alert when entering certain proximities. Doing this can make all the difference when especially starting a new round. Three body types come with avatars; light, medium, and heavy. Light acts as a recon class, while medium is kind of like a medic. Of course, heavy can take the most damage, destroy environments easily and even come with blunt melee weapons.
The Finals – Use The Environment

As usual, everyone has a playstyle with online competitive games. So, with The Finals, it will take a little practice on figuring out which class will suit your needs. As of right now, the most popular class is the heavy. This class is the most destructive, accessible and fun to play. However, every class comes with telekinetic powers. Almost every item on the map, that isn’t nailed down, can be picked up and hurled. Up in the sky, there are destructible crates dangling. Shoot them for extra tools of wars like; fire, goo and poison barrels. Theses are highly useful for changing up the map and flushing out opponents. If you have a vault out in the open, the glue barrels are especially useful for setting up a barricade.
Also, whenever you have a downed teammate, don’t forget that you can telekinetically pick up their statue and move it. Many players overlook this and try to revive a player in the middle of a gunfight when wide open. So, it is best to move the statue into a concealed area and revive them there. Movement is key in The Finals. The action moves fast and the map is ever-changing. Don’t stay on a single path during a match. Switch between; rooftops, interiors and the streets. The maps are designed to have bottlenecks and you can easily walk into an ambush. Plus, if you are having a difficult time gaining access to a vault, don’t forget that you can blow holes in walls to go through. You are not a slave to the map and you can make your own pathways, if need be.
The Finals – Use Secondary Weapons Tactically

When it comes to The Finals, there is a slew of secondary weapons to try out for all classes alike. They can be used in a variety of ways. When it comes to the goo grenades, try detonating them on zip lines. This will prevent opponents from using them and flanking you from behind. Additionally, the glue is also quite flammable. You can set up a glue wall, then throw a fire barrel at it to cause a raging inferno. Of course, you have to be careful of this, because friendly fire is active regarding your own traps. This is especially true, when it comes to gas mines. Also, keep in mind that the more money you gather, the more of a target you will become.
So, as mentioned before, stick with your teammates and back each other up. If you are the medium class, for example, heal your team as often as possible. The healing gun has a fast cooldown and you can use it repeatedly during a match. Keep an eye on your team’s health meter. It’s always visible above their head and its there for the very reason that teammates can assist each other when needed. Always assume that gunfire will come from the roofs or behind. Players like to hang out up on the rooftops and drop down from above. So, always be ready for that. The maps in The Finals are made for vertical gameplay and that should be embraced.

Even though The Finals is a relatively new game, its gaining popularity fast. It is well-made and its tight gameplay can be addicting. Best of all, this is a free-to-play title that anyone can jump into. Its rules and regulations on how the scoring system works can take a little getting used to. Only time will tell on what other content is planned for its future. The FInals is now available for; PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X and PC.